By Ranzee, Released September 2023
An album with a theme about gates – a double meaning. For those who are knowledgeable in synthesizers, especially the modular type, will be aware of gates. Gates are a control voltage (a pulse of electricity) which is used in synthesizer things – like: clocks, envelopes, sequencers etc. Gates are voltage high or low (a square wave) – hence having an open or closed state. Working with this each track has a themed gate, such as a farm gate or a boom gate. Some gates exist in our daily lives, others are a fantasy. The notion of a gate either stops things from getting in/out or protects the things within. It has a stop/go feature.
Track listing:
- Airport
- Farm
- Security
- Garden
- Flood
- City
- Logic
- Lych
- Portcullis
- Gateway
- Boom
- Sliding
- Electric
- New
- Kings
- Star

All tracks mixed and mastered using:
Ableton Live Suite, RME Digiface, Roland MX-1, Behringer ADA-8200, Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2, Feedback Modules MIX BX/CP, Roland System 500 531, Expert Sleepers FH-2, Expert Sleepers ES-8, ALM Busy Circuits Pamela’s New Workout, Malekko Heavy Industries Varigate 8+, Apple Mac Mini computer.
Some extra outboard FX from:Strymon BigSky, Boss DD-500, WMD Orion, Feedback Modules 106, Behringer System 100m 172, Feedback Modules 1-Bit Multitap Delay, Intellijel Sealegs.
![]() | Gate 1 – Airport | ||
Running Time | 4:00 | BPM | 126 |
The airport is a busy place and therefore need gates to control the flow of passengers on and off aircraft into the terminal.
Gate One (Airport) was the first gate idea that came to me during the making of this album. At that stage I didn’t know it was going to be an entire gate theme. However, I did like the notion that people were controlled in movement through airport gates. They aren’t allowed to board the aircraft or disembark until they are given permission. This idea of controlling movement is the theme of this track – is it really freedom?
Gear List
Korg Minilogue, Behringer System-100m (112, 110, 121, 130, 140, 150, 172, 173, 182, 297, 305), Strymon Magneto, Novation Peak, Moog Sub 37, Waldorf Streichfett, Ovation Vinyl Back Acoustic, Korg Microkorg, Behringer Model D, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 2 – Farm | ||
Running Time | 3:41 | BPM | 118 |
The farm gate is there to keep the animals in and stop other undesirables from getting in. The intro of the track features a random bunch of different samples arranged to give a story of being at a farm. The track is arranged to give the feeling of production, organized chaos and entrapment.
Gear List
Akai MPC, Moog Sub 37, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), 2HP LFO, Strymon Magneto, Happy Nerding FX AID, Novation Peak, Behringer Deepmind 12, Behringer Model D, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 3 – Security | ||
Running Time | 2:57 | BPM | 136 |
Security gates are used in many parts of the world. Their purpose is to either keep things out or keep things in and have the added features of security. This usually means that they are reinforced, have some kind of protection (like razor wire or electrified), and are often accompanied by an armed guard.
This track shows the severity between being trapped and free – the harshness of being contained. It flows with big loud synths and emerges a feeling of tension.
Gear List
Roland System-8 (Juno-106), Waldorf Streichfett, Korg Odyssey, Korg Minilogue, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 4 – Garden | ||
Running Time | 3:53 | BPM | 118 |
The garden gate leads to a place of growth, fresh air and flowers. It often reminds us of our youth and playfulness. The track introduces sounds of gardens and children playing followed by the slamming shut of the gate. Perhaps we’re keeping people out of this amazing paradise? The wind-swept synth themes with electronic sounds take us through a plant-like growth as we’re introduced into the springing sounds of the world.
Gear List
Novation Peak, Behringer Model D, Roland JD-XI, Roland System-8, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 5 – Flood | ||
Running Time | 3:14 | BPM | 116 |
Flood gates are used to prevent water ingress. Floods can happen anytime as mother nature is the decider – often we are not warned.
The track emulates with electronic synth sounds the noises of water rushing and rain drops falling. It then progresses into sequences and movement of fluid sound.
Gear List
Roland System-8, Behringer Pro-800, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), 2HP LFO, Feedback Modules Static, Strymon Magneto, Happy Nerding FX AID, Waldorf Streichfett, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 6 – City | ||
Running Time | 4:30 | BPM | 125 |
Some cities are lucky enough to have amazing gates. These were usually built in the early years. They are often found kept in trust monuments. The one pictured to the right is the barrack gate that leads onto the main street in the city of Perth, Western Australia. It leads us down the skyline corridor which runs parallel to the famous Swan River.
Who did we want to keep out of our cities? These days not so much – but in history this was definitely a feature. The wealthy didn’t want the common people to roam the high streets. The city’s inhabitants didn’t want to be invaded – so they gated their world.
The track explores the life and busy bustle of a city. Dare they venture outside the gates? Hear the distorted sounds that contrast between the clean straight streets of a city and the chaotic outside world.
Gear List Roland System 500 (505, 512, 521, 530, 531, 540, 555, 572), Akai MPC, Behringer ARP 2600, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), 2HP LFO, Strymon Magneto, Happy Nerding FX AID, Novation Peak, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 7 – Logic | ||
Running Time | 4:12 | BPM | 133 |
The logic gate is an electronic circuit feature that opens and closes to prevent the flow of electricity. The intro of the track plays through chaotic computer bleeps and blips – giving a stereo-type sound of computer and logic. It then goes into a fast-paced up-beat tune that gives us the feeling of electronica music. The use of ARP (clone) synths really shines through the mix with feelings of retro 70s and 80s sounds.
Gear List Behringer ARP 2600, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Korg ARP Odyssey, Korg Minilogue, Akai MPC, Behringer Model D, Waldorf Streichfett, Roland SE-02, Korg ER-1, Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 8 – Lych | ||
Running Time | 3:30 | BPM | 92 |
The Lych gate is found at the pathways leading to a church. The gateway to the church if you like. Did we ever need to keep people out of the church? I find the whole gate theme interesting – and when I discovered Lych gates, this was a nice reward. Apparently they are used to ward off evil spirits and protect the spirit world within the church grounds.
The track starts with a synthetic sound of church bells (made with ring modulator and effects). It then leads into a community vibe track that you would often hear at a modern church.
Gear List
Waldorf Streichfett, Behringer Model D, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Korg Minilogue, Ovation Vinyl Back Acoustic, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 9 – Portcullis | ||
Running Time | 4:17 | BPM | 118 |
The portcullis are the big iron and wood gates that keep people out of the castles. One of my favourite gates as I’m a big medieval fan. In my city there is only one fau-portcullis. It leads onto the entrance of London Court. Actually there’s one at either end. You can see the black iron spikes and lattice of the portcullis. A very cool feature.
The track begins with the sounds of the portcullis chains falling and the gate lowers and slams into the ground. It then proceeds into a 90’s house-style electronic track.
Gear List Akai MPC Live, Moog Slim Phatty, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Novation Peak, Moog Sub 37, Behringer Deepmind 12, Waldorf Streichfett, Behringer System 100m 172, Strymon Magneto, Happy Nerding FX AID, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 10– Gateway | ||
Running Time | 2:04 | BPM | 138 |
How can we have an album about gates without a gateway? Gateway is a fast and quick up-beat track that takes us into the next part of the album.
Gear List Roland System-8, Korg Minilogue, Waldorf Streichfett, Behringer System 100m (112, 110, 121, 130, 140, 150, 172, 173, 182, 297, 305), Roland SH-01A, Behringer MS-101, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Strymon Magneto, Happy Nerding FX AID, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 11– Boom | ||
Running Time | 4:00 | BPM | 132 |
Boom gates are also known as level crossings in other parts of the world. You can also find boom gates in car parks (where you pay to park). However, I decided to go with the train theme. Level crossings are slowly being phased out in our world.
The track has a train theme throughout. Samples and sounds give you the feeling of going on a journey on a train. Where did you go?
Gear List Novation Peak, Akai MPC Live, Korg Minilogue, Behringer MS-101, Waldorf Streichfett, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 12– Sliding | ||
Running Time | 4:21 | BPM | 82 |
Sliding gates are everywhere – but most commonly we find them on driveways. They slowly open and close giving us the feeling of the barrier being calmly separated from each side.
Sliding is a melodic movement which deliberately goes into tempo drifting light and shade. I felt it was a play on the whole “sliding” word – where we can often slide into different moods. A sliding gate kind-of cuts us off slowly.
Gear List
Solina, Novation Peak, Behringer Pro-800, Waldorf Streichfett, MXR Flanger, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 13– Electric | ||
Running Time | 3:44 | BPM | 120 |
Electric gates come in many different forms. In fact, some of the gate themes in this album are types of electric gates. However, we need to address the feature of electricity in gates. They have a sense of automation, power and feel non-human.
The track begins with synth electric sounds and runs in a sequenced blend of beats and bass.
Gear List
Yamaha AN-200, Novation Peak, Roland System-8 (Juno 106), Korg Minilogue, Waldorf Streichfett, Roland TR-8, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 14– New | ||
Running Time | 2:27 | BPM | 120 |
We all love the smell of fresh paint and new things. The perfection of a new gate is also something to be admired. The hinges don’t squeak and everything just works the way it’s supposed to.
The track takes us down these thoughts – ideas of shiny new things.
Gear List
Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Waldorf Streichfett, Synthix (VST), CS-80V3 (VST).
![]() | Gate 15 – Kings | ||
Running Time | 4:13 | BPM | 96 |
The Kings gate is known throughout the world. One of the most famous is in Jerusalem, and one of eight famous gates located there. It is said to have been constructed over the top of an older eastern gate – and is over 1500 years old.
The track takes us on a journey fit for a King. Sit back and listen as we pass through the Kings Gate – where only the few have been!
Gear List
Novation Peak, Roland TR-8, Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Behringer Pro-800, Korg SQ-64, Mutable Instruments Rings, Various Samples.
![]() | Gate 16 – Star | ||
Running Time | 7:03 | BPM | 98 |
The famous Sci-Fi TV series and movies – Stargate. The fictional idea that there is a star gate out there that can cut inter-galactic travel by taking us through these special wormholes in space.
The start of the track takes us on a journey with an astronaut travelling into space through a star gate.
The ambient track is a journey of time and space and builds with energy. Hear the alien sounds of formant filters and ring modulators.
Gear List
Black Corporation Rachael, Behringer System 100m (112, 110, 121, 130, 140, 150, 172, 173, 182, 297, 305), Behringer ARP 2500 (1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1033, 1047), Behringer Pro-800, Novation Peak, Roland TR-8, Waldorf Streichfett, Various Samples.
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