Name that Synth!
A poplular segment on the Synth Geekery show. The segment showcases a specific synthesizer providing a demonstration of the audio capabilities, with some visual tricks. The live stream viewers are then given a short period of time to guess what the synthesizer is. The first correct guess before the “Time’s Up!” is given could win a prize (detailed below).
Giveaway Partner – Plugin Guru
We are proud to announce that the Name that Synth giveaway partner is Plugin Guru:

Plugin Guru are the creators of the Unify software for DAWs. They also make fantastic patch libraries. Check out their website here:
How to play
Simply watch the next Synth Geekery live show (info here). When the Name That Synth segment shows, you’ll get to make a guess at what you think the synth is. You can make as many guesses as you like. However, your FIRST guess is the only one that counts – so choose carefully. Once the show host has said “Time’s Up!” (also shows in the YouTube chat) – no more guesses will be taken – and the synthesizer will be revealed. If a user correctly guesses the synth with their first guess, and that guess is the first guess out of all the other chat members – they will be notified on how to claim a winners prize. Otherwise the prize will go to the video contributor.
This can only be done during the live show – and not on replay. Your guess must be made in the YouTube live stream chat window.
Good luck!
Contributor information
If you would like to contribute your own video to the segment – here are the guidelines:
- Submissions must be made via video and recorded with a line input (not a microphone on your phone etc) – try and keep the video to no more than 3 minutes in length – see example video below.
- You must only record the synth sounds – no external FX, EQ, Compression or treatment – just directly from the synth. You are allowed to use all the internal FX that the synth has.
- You may multi-track the synth in a DAW to produce a more featured song.
- It is important to not publish the video publically – instead upload to YouTube and set as UNLISTED. Send me the link to your video via PM or email – and use discord server and channel #name-that-synth to discuss any issues, ideas etc. if chosen the segment will be “brought to you by …” your name
- Contributors can also win if nobody guesses correctly (see terms).
Winner information
Congratulations! If you’ve been announced as a winner – please us this form to provide your details to the sponsor:
Winner Registration
Only complete this form if you have been instructed to do so.
Terms & Conditions:
- The competition is not endorsed or associated with YouTube in any way.
- The judges decision is final. No further claims may be entered or considered.
- Prizes are given when available. No undertaking is given to adhere to a schedule or any other schedule. Ranzee reserves the right to change or create an ad hoc giveaway schedule at any time without notice.
- Prize is not transferrable or exchangeable for cash or any other purpose other than the giveaway partners’ offer.
- One prize per person. You may continue to enter, but you will not be permitted to win more than once.
- Entrants must be over 18 years of age to enter. You agree to provide your contact information to the giveaway partner in order for them to process the giveaway prize and make contact with you.
- Prizes are given in conjunction with our giveaway partners. The delivery arrangement of the prize is done by the giveaway partner. Ranzee is not responsible for the condition of the prize. The winner may be subject to licensing requirements or further terms and conditions issued by the giveaway partner.
- You agree to indemnify and hold Ranzee and it’s employees and contractors harmless of any liability to the winner or any other person under any circumstances for any loss of use, specific of fitness, profit, revenue, interest goodwill or data, or for any injury or death to any person, or for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages sustained or incurred by the winner.
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