Mailbag #1 – Intellijel Metropolis

My first mailbag episode! We will be opening a used Intellijel Metropolis – a Eurorack Module sequencer! #intellijel #metropolis

If anyone wants to send things in for the mailbag segment – here’s the address:

Ranzee Mailbag
PO Box 1424

A few rules before sending things to me:

  1. I won’t be able to send anything back (unless it is authorised by me and pre-arranged).
  2. Only send music-tech related items.
  3. Commercial products are permitted. However there is no guarantee I’ll show your product, and it will have no returns nor will it have specific rules on what I show or say. Best to email me first:
  4. There is no time restriction on when I may show this.
  5. Do send candy.
  6. I will not pay for the item nor the freight.