Synth Geekery 201
In episode 201 we talked about Studio Monitors! Plus all the usual segments! Funny Side, News from the Geekery, Price Watch, Name that Synth …
Show contents:
- About
- Guests
- Video replay
- Funny Side
- News from The Geekery
- Price Watch
- Name that Synth
- Saturday Sonority
About the Synth Geekery Show
Synth Geekery is a weekly podcast/live stream (YouTube) show about everything synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, sequencers, eurorack and music technology. We take the “one of the masses” viewpoint, where we are also users of gear just like you (read: we’re not influenced by commercial product placement).
The show relies on the generous contributions of the synth community. You can contribute in many ways including supporting us via our YouTube Channel Membership or Patreon. We also have regular and special video guests: if you would like to take part in future shows – please contact me via email on the about page here.
This week’s video guests are:
Daren T. Housse
Bandcamp Link:
Daren resides in the UK and is one of the first video guests on the show since 2019. He has a large amount of tracks on his youtube channel plus a great album collection over on BandCamp.
Andrew Brooks
Main link –
BandCamp link:
Andy resides in the UK and has been a regular member of the show since 2020. He has performed live and offers a wealth of knowledge for live electronic music setups and small studio configurations.
Andy is a musician and technologist from the bay area in California. He has an amazing collection of music tech gadgets and a large knowledge of synthesizers.
Ian J. Cole
Ian is a musician, composer, sound designer and producer currently producing solo ambient electronic music. He also runs Sinners Music which is a Record Company and Online Music Retailer in East Yorkshire, England
Video replay
Funny Side
The funny side segment is a collection of memes that are somewhat relevant to the synth geekery community. Some of these images are taken from Facebook, Instagram and other social media sources. Please respect the creators. Hope you enjoy this week’s selection:

News from the Geekery
This week we have a big list of new synths and gear:
5 Moons

5 Moons is a multi-track recorder. It features 5 tracks, a looper and a bounce-down button. Sliders adjust track volume. Using the bounce-down allows you to save the loop and recall it later.
Price: $325
Error Instruments White Rabbit
White Rabbit is an experimental FX module for eurorack.
Essentially it is a reverb and delay module – but the developers use the term “fall down a rabbit hole” with the extending delay and reverb tail effects. You can move this with the main central knob (the “X”) and the smaller knob (the “Y”).
Standard –Shouting down the rabbit hole. X changes time to echo and Y the amount of feedback
Pingpong – Stereo hopping between channels. X determines the airtime of the bounce and Y keeps stacking the signal.
ERROR – Karplus-Strong algorithm plucking your signal. X is the length of the string and Y is the dampening. Set X all the way to the right and connect the output to the input to create a self-oscillating sound that you can control.
Hall – Unexpected big space. X is the size and Y the brightness of the space.
Experimental – Cinematic shimmer. Y is pitch bending and X is the size of the space
ERROR – Like sticking your head in a metal bucket. X is the size of the bucket and Y is granular. Set X all the way to the right and connect the output to the input to create a self-oscillating sound that you can control.
The third knob is the Wet / Dry mix. To the left is dry and to the right is wet. Soaking White Rabbit.
Price: EURO 179
Modular Grid:
ALM ALM036 – Tazm-0

The Tazm-0 is a through zero triangle core analog oscillator.
Price: TBA
Modular Grid:
Clatters Machine – Sabilla

Digital DSP stereo oscillator which creates drone sounds and harmonics.
The Left and Right output are stages of two feedback audio loops. The loops are made up of a main sub sinusoidal wave oscillator and two saw and sine waves with frequencies affected by the generation of harmonics (right channel) and subharmonics (left channel). All waveforms posess different phases whose offset is constantly affected by minor variations created by two pairs of grains randomly fluctuating within the waves amplitude spectrum and being sampled at a certain speed.
Waveforms combine together with two white noise sources, creating constructive and destructive interferences constantly affected by two LFOs movements.
These interferences are subsequently run into a resonant LPF and then distributed to four different delay lines from which they are fed back into the audio loops at different time intervals depending on the grains movements.
Price: 320 EURO
Modular Grid:
Price Watch
This week – :

Saturday Sonority
This week’s Saturday Sonority we might talking about …..
Name That Synth
No name that synth this week – send one in!
If you are after more information about Name that Synth – please check out this page here.
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